아시타바크라 기타 2011. 7. 11. 10:51

The Heart of Awareness

각성의 본질

- a translation of The AshtavakraGita

아시타바크라 기타

by Thomas Byrom

토마스 바이롬

평역 : 푸른글

4343. 12. 23

18. The Master (4/4)

주인공이 된 지혜로운 이

- 앞 부분에 이어서 계속

Nothing he hopes to win,

Nothing he fears to lose.

그는 그무엇도 얻기를 바라지 않고

잃는 것도 그는 전혀 두려워하지 않네.

His mind is cool and drenched with nectar.

그의 마음은 고요하고 (불멸의) 지복에 젖어있네.

He neither longs for possessions nor grieves at their absence. The calm mind of the sage is full of the nectar of immortality. 18.81

Free from desire,

He neither praises the peaceful

Nor blames the wicked.

욕망에 좌우되지 않기에,

그는 평화로움[善]을 칭찬하지도 않고

사악함을 비난하지도 않네.

The same in joy and sorrow,

He is always happy.

기쁨과 슬픔에 한결같아,

그는 늘 행복하네.

He sees there is nothing to do.

그는 깨달았네.

해야 할 일이란 없다는 것을.

The dispassionate man does not praise the good or blame the wicked. Content and equal in pain and pleasure, he sees nothing that needs doing. 18.82

He does not hate the world.

He does not seek the Self.

그는 세상을 미워하지도 않고

자기 자신을 알려고 찾지도 않네.

He is free from joy and sorrow.

그는 기쁨과 슬픔으로부터 풀려났네.

He is not alive,

And he is not dead.

그는 살아있는 것도 아니고

죽은 것도 아니네.

The wise man is not averse to samsara, nor does he seek to know himself. Free from pleasure and impatience, he is not dead and he is not alive. 18.83

He is not attached to his family.

그는 자신의 가족에게도 애착하지 않네.

Free from the desire of the senses,

He does not care about his body.

감각적인 욕망으로부터 자유로워,

자신의 몸에 대해서도 상관하지 않네.

The master expects nothing,

And he shines.

지혜로운 이는 아무것도 기대하지 않네.

그는 빛나네.

The wise man excels by being free from anticipation, without attachment to such things as children or wives, free from desire for the senses, and not even concerned about his own body. 18.84

Whatever befalls him,

He is always happy.

자신 앞에 무엇이 닥쳐도

그는 늘 행복하네.

He wanders where he will.

어디든 마음 내키는 대로 돌아다니네.

And wherever he finds himself

When the sun sets,

There he lies down to rest.

그리고 어디에서나 그 자신을 발견하네.

그러다가 해 지면,

그는 그 곳에 쉬기 위해 눕는다네.

The wise man, who lives on whatever happens to come to him, roams wherever he pleases, and sleeps wherever the sun happens to set, is at peace everywhere. 18.85

He does not care if the body lives or dies.

그는 그 몸이 살든 죽든 상관하지 않네.

He is so firmly set in his own being,

He rises above the round of birth and death.

그는 아주 확고히 그 자신의 존재함에 자리하였기에,

삶과 죽음의 수레바퀴를 초월했다네.

Whether his body rises or falls, the great-souled one gives it no thought, having forgotten all about samsara in coming to rest on the ground of his true nature. 18.86

He is full of joy.

그는 (존재의) 기쁨으로 차있네.

Attached to nothing,

Free from possessions,

He stands on his own.

아무것도 애착하지 않기에,

소유물들로부터 자유롭다네.

그는 그 스스로 서있네.

His doubts dispelled,

He wanders where he will,

Never setting one thing against another.

그의 의심들은 타파되었기에,

그는 어디든 마음 내키는 대로 돌아다니네.

결코 이것을 저것으로 설정하는 법이 없네.

The wise man has the joy of being complete in himself and without possessions, acting as he pleases, free from duality and rid of doubts, and without attachment to any creature. 18.87

The master shines.

지혜로운 이는 빛나네.

He never says "mine."

Gold, stone, earth--

They are all the same to him.

그는 결코 내 것이라 말하지 않네.

황금이나 돌이나 땅이나

그에게는 모두 다 마찬가지네.

He is not bound by sloth,

Nor consumed by his own activity.

그는 게으름에도 묶이지 않고,

그 자신 행위에도 사로잡히지 않네.

He has severed the knots which bind his heart.

그는 그의 가슴을 묶고 있는 결박들을 잘라냈네.

The wise man excels in being without the sense of "me". Earth, a stone, or gold are the same to him. The knots of his heart have been rent asunder, and he is freed from greed and blindness. 18.88

Who can compare with him?

누구를 그와 견줄 수 있으리.

Indifferent to everything,

He is happy and he is free.

모든 것에 차별이 없어

그는 행복하고 자유롭네.

There is not the least desire in his heart.

그의 가슴에는 최소한의 욕망도 남아있지 않네.

Who can compare with that contented, liberated soul who pays no regard to anything and has no desire left in his heart? 18.89

Only the man without desire

Sees without seeing,

Speaks without speaking,

Knows without knowing.

오직 그 어떤 욕망도 없는 올바른 이라야

봄[視] 없이 보고,

말없이 말하며,

알음알이 없이 알리라.

Who but the upright man without desire knows without knowing, sees without seeing, and speaks without speaking? 18.90

In his view of things

Good and evil have melted away.

대상들을 바라보는 그의 견해 속에는

선과 악이 녹아 사라졌네.

A king or a beggar,

Whoever is free from desire shines!

왕이든 거지든,

누구든 욕망으로부터 자유로워지면 빛나는 것을.

Beggar or king, he excels who is without desire, and whose opinion of things is rid of "good" and "bad." 18.91

He is utterly without guile.

He has found his way.

He is simplicity itself.

그는 전혀 속임[放逸]이 없네.

그는 자신의 길을 찾았네.

그는 소박함 그 자체라네.

He cares nothing for restraint,

Or abandon.

그는 그 어떤 구속에도 방종에도

전혀 상관하지 않네.

He has no interest in finding the truth.

진리를 찾는 것에도 전혀 관심이 없네.

There is neither dissolute behaviour nor virtue, nor even discrimination of the truth for the sage who has reached the goal and is the very embodiment of guileless sincerity. 18.92

He has no desires.

He rests happily in the Self.

그에게는 그 어떤 욕망도 없네.

그는 진정한 자신[眞我, 自性, 道, 聖靈]속에서 행복하게 휴식하네.

His sorrows are over.

How can anyone tell what he feels inside?

그의 슬픔들은 끝이 났네.

그가 내면으로 인식한 것을

그 누가 말로 표현할 수 있으리.

That which is experienced within by one who is desireless and free from pain, and content to rest in himself -- how could it be described, and of whom? 18.93

Even when he is sound asleep,

He is not asleep.

깊이 잠들어 있을 때라도

그는 잠들어있지 않네.

Even when he is dreaming,

He does not dream.

꿈을 꾸고 있을 때에도

그는 꿈꾸고 있지 않네.

Even when he is awake,

He is not awake.

깨어있을 때에도

그는 깨어있지 않네.

Step by step,

Whatever befalls him,

He is happy.


그 무엇이 닥쳐오든,

그는 행복하네.

The wise man who is contented in all circumstances is not asleep even in deep sleep, nor sleeping in a dream, nor waking when he is awake. 18.94

He thinks without thinking.

He feels without feeling.

그는 생각 없이 생각하네.

그는 느낌 없이 느끼네.

He is intelligent,

But he has no mind.

그는 현명하지만,

그에게는 그 어떤 마음도 없네.

He has personality,

But with no thought for himself.

그에게도 개성이 있지만,

자기 자신을 위한 생각은 전혀 없네.

The seer is without thoughts even when thinking, without senses among the senses, without understanding even in understanding, and without a sense of responsibility even in the ego. 18.95

He is not happy,

Nor is he sad.

그는 행복한 것도 아니고

슬픈 것도 아니라네.

He is not detached,

Nor is he bound.

그는 무심한 것도 아니고

애착하여 묶인 것도 아니라네.

He is not free,

Nor does he seek freedom.

그는 자유로운 것도 아니고

자유를 찾는 것도 아니라네.

He is not this.

He is not that.

그는 이것이 아니라네.

그는 저것도 아니라네.

Neither happy nor unhappy, neither detached nor attached, neither seeking liberation nor liberated, he is neither something nor nothing. 18.96

Amid distractions,

He is undistracted.

집중을 방해하는 것들로 에워싸여 있어도,

그는 흩뜨려지지 않네.

In meditation,

He does not meditate.

명상에 들어 있지만,

그는 명상에 물들지 않네.


He is not a fool.

어리석어 보이지만,

그는 어리석지 않네.

Knowing everything,

He knows nothing.

모든 것을 다 알지만,

그는 아무 것도 모르네.

Not distracted in distraction, in mental stillness not poised, in stupidity not stupid, that blessed one is not even wise in his wisdom. 18.97

He always lives within.

He is everywhere the same.

그는 늘 안으로 침잠하여 사네.

어디에 있으나 한결같네.

Action or duty are nothing to him.

행위[행한 것]과 의무[해야 할 것]은

그에겐 아무런 의미가 없네.

Because he is free from desire,

He never worries about what he has done

Or has not done.

욕망으로부터 자유롭기에

그는 자신이 한 일에 대해서도

하지 못한 일에 대해서도

결코 걱정하지 않네.

The liberated man is self-possessed in all circumstances and free from the idea of "done" and "still to do." He is the same wherever he is and without greed. He does not dwell on what he has done or not done. 18.98

Blame does not disturb him,

Nor does praise delight him.

비난도 그를 흔들지 못하고

칭찬도 그를 기쁘게 하지 못하네.

He neither rejoices in life,

Nor fears death.

삶에 집착하지도 않고

죽음을 두려워하지도 않네.

His mind is calm.

그의 마음은 고요하네.

He is not pleased when praised nor upset when blamed. He is not afraid of death nor attached to life. 18.99

Never seeking the solitude of the forest,

Nor running from the crowd.

숲의 고독을 찾는 법도 없고

군중으로부터 달아나는 법도 않네.

Always and everywhere,

He is one and the same.

언제나, 어디서나,

그는 하나이네. 한결같네.

A man at peace does not run off to popular resorts or to the forest. Whatever and wherever, he remains the same. 18.100





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