아시타바크라 기타 2011. 7. 11. 10:50

The Heart of Awareness

각성의 본질

- a translation of The AshtavakraGita

아시타바크라 기타

by Thomas Byrom

토마스 바이롬

평역 : 푸른글

4343. 12. 23

18. The Master (3/4)

주인공이 된 지혜로운 이

- 앞 부분에 이어서 계속

The fool is busy

Even when he is still.

어리석은 이는 가만히 있어도.

(마음이) 바쁘지만.

Even when he is busy

The master gathers the fruits of stillness.

지혜로운 이는

열심일 때도 고요함의 열매들을 모으네.

Even abstention from action has the effect of action in a fool, while even the action of the wise man brings the fruits of inaction. 18.61

The fool often spurns his possessions.

어리석은 이는

가끔 자신의 소유물을 차버리지만.

The master is no longer attached to his body.

So how can he feel attraction or aversion?

지혜로운 이는

더 이상 자신의 몸에 애착하기 않아

그에겐 집착도 거부도 없네.

A fool often shows aversion towards his belongings, but for him whose attachment to the body has dropped away, there is neither attachment nor aversion. 18.62

The awareness of the fool is always limited

By thinking, or by trying not to think.

어리석은 이의 의식은

늘 생각이나 생각하지 않으려는 것에 구속되어 있지만

The awareness of the man who lives within,

Though he may be busy thinking,

Is beyond even awareness itself.

안으로 살고 있는 이의 의식은

비록 생각으로 바쁜 것처럼 보여도

의식 그 자체조차 넘어서 있다네.

The mind of the fool is always caught in thinking or not thinking, but the wise man's is of the nature of no thought because he thinks what is appropriate. 18.63

The master is like a child.

All his actions are without motive.

지혜로운 이는 아이와 같네.

그의 모든 행위에는 동기가 없으니.

He is pure.

Whatever he does, he is detached.

그는 순수하네.

무엇을 취하든, 물리치든.

For the seer who behaves like a child, without desire in all actions, there is no attachment for such a pure one even in the work he does. 18.64

He is blessed.

He understands the nature of the Self.

His mind is no longer thirsty.

그는 신성하네.

그는 진정한 자신의 본성을 깨달았네.

그의 마음은 더 이상 목말라하지 않네.

He is the same under all conditions,

Whatever he sees or hears,

Or smells or touches or tastes.

무엇을 보든, 듣든

무엇을 냄새 맡든, 맛보든, 만지든

그 어떤 조건하에서도 여여(如如)하네.

Blessed is he who knows himself and is the same in all states, with a mind free from craving whether he is seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling, or tasting. 18.65

The master is like the sky.

He never changes.

지혜로운 이는 하늘과 같아,

결코 달라지는 법이 없네.

What does the world matter to him,

Or its reflection?

세상일이나 세상일의 여파[反響]가

그와 무슨 상관있으리.

What does he care about seeking,

Or the end of seeking?

찾기[求道]와 찾음의 끝이란 것이

그와 무슨 상관있으리.

There is no one subject to samsara, no sense of individuality, no goal or means to the goal in the eyes of the wise man who is always free

from imagination and unchanging like space. 18.66

He is ever the same.

The victory is his.

He has conquered the world.

그는 언제나 여여(如如)하네.

승리가 그의 것이라.

그는 세상을 정복했네.

He is the embodiment

Of his own perfect essence,

By nature one with the infinite.

그는 무한을 가진 하나의 진성(眞性)에 의한

그 자신의 완벽한 정수(精髓)로서


Glorious is he who has abandoned all goals and is the incarnation of the satisfaction, which is his very nature, and whose inner focus on the Unconditioned is quite spontaneous. 18.67

What more is there to say?

거기에 무슨 할 말이 더 있으리?

He knows the truth.

He has no desire for pleasure or liberation.

그는 진리를 깨우쳤네.

그에게는 쾌락에 대한 욕망도 해탈에 대한 욕망도 전혀 없네.

At all times, in all places,

He is free from passion.

그 언제나, 그 어느 곳에서나

그는 욕정[愛着]으로부터 자유롭네.

In brief, the great-souled man who has come to know the Truth is without desire for either pleasure or liberation, and is always and everywhere free from attachment. 18.68

He has given up the duality of the world

Which arises with the mind

And is nothing more than a name.

그는 마음 따라 일어나는

세상의 이원성을 끊었네.

그는 이름 지을 수 없네.

He is pure awareness.

What is there left for him to do?

그는 순수한 각성이라네.

그런 경지의 그에게 무슨 일이 남아있으리.

What remains to be done by the man who is pure awareness and has abandoned everything that can be expressed in words from the highest heaven to the earth itself? 18.69

The man who is pure knows for certain

That nothing really exists;

It is all the work of illusion.

그 무엇도 진정으로 존재하지 않음을 안

자성(自性)을 깨친 순수한 이는 아네.

이 모두가 환상의 짓이라는 것을.

He sees what cannot be seen.

His nature is peace.

그는 그 무엇도 드러낼 수 없음을 아네.

그의 성품은 평안하네.

The pure man who has experienced the Indescribable attains peace by virtue of his very nature, realising that all this is nothing but illusion, and that nothing is. 18.70

He does not see the world of appearances.

그는 출현된 세상을 보지 않네.

So what do rules matter to him,

Or dispassion, renunciation, and self-control?

그러하기에 그에게는 제 법(法)도 객관(客觀)도

금욕도 자기제어[冥想]도 문제가 되지 않네.

His form is pure and shining light.

그의 모습은 순수

그리고 눈부신 빛이라네.

There are no rules, dispassion, renunciation, or meditation for one who is pure receptivity by nature, and admits no knowable form of being. 18.71

He does not see the world.

그는 세상을 보지 않네.

So what does he care for joy or sorrow,

Bondage or liberation?

그런 그는 일상의 기쁨이나 슬픔에도,

속박이나 해탈에도 관심이 없네.

He is infinite and shining.

그는 무한하고 빛나네.

For him who shines with the radiance of Infinity and is not subject to natural causality there is neither bondage, liberation, pleasure, nor pain. 18.72

Before the awakening of understanding

The illusion of the world prevails.

But the master is free of passion.

앎의 자각 전에는

세상에 대한 환상이 만연한다네.

하지만 지혜로운 이는 욕정에서 풀려나네.

He has no "I,"

He has no "mine,"

And he shines!

그에게는 그 어떤 ‘나’라는 것도 없고

‘내 것’이라는 것도 없네.

그는 빛나네.

Pure illusion reigns in samsara which will continue until self-realisation, but the enlightened man lives in the beauty of freedom from me and mine, from the sense of responsibility and from any attachment. 18.73

He sees that the Self never suffers or dies.

그는 아네.

진정한 자신은

결코 고통 받지도 죽지도 않는다는 것을.

So what does he care for knowledge

Or the world?

그러기에 그는

앎과 세상에 아무런 관심이 없네.

Or the feeling "I am the body,"

"The body is mine"?

내가 몸이라는 느낌,

몸이 내 것이라는 느낌에도 관심이 없네.

For the seer who knows himself as imperishable and beyond pain there is neither knowledge, a world, nor the sense that I am the body or the body mine. 18.74

The moment a fool gives up concentration

And his other spiritual practices,

He falls prey to fancies and desires.

어리석은 이는

정신집중과 다른 정신적 수련을 포기하는 순간

망상과 욕망의 먹잇감으로 전락한다네.

No sooner does a man of low intelligence give up activities like the elimination of thought than he falls into mind racing and chatter. 18.75

Even after hearing the truth,

The fool clings to his folly.

어리석은 이는

심지어 진리를 듣고 난 뒤에도

자신의 어리석음에 집착하네.

He tries hard to look calm and composed,

But inside he is full of cravings.

그는 열심히 고요함과 침착함을 찾으려고 노력하지만,

그의 속은 갈망으로 가득 차 있네.

A fool does not get rid of his stupidity even on hearing the truth. He may appear outwardly free from imaginations, but inside he is still hankering after the senses. 18.76

When the truth is understood,

Work falls away.

진리를 깨달으면

일은 떨어져 나가네.

Though in the eyes of others

The master may seem to work,

In reality he has no occasion

To say or to do anything.

비록 다른 사람의 눈에는

지혜로운 이가 일하는 것처럼 보이지만,

그는 실제로는

그 어떤 말도 일도 한 바가 없다네.

Though in the eyes of the world he is active, the man who has shed action through knowledge finds no means of doing or speaking anything. 18.77

He has no fear.

He is always the same.

그에게 두려움이란 없네.

그는 늘 여여(如如)하네.

He has nothing to lose.

그는 잃을 것이 전혀 없네.

For him there is no darkness,

There is no light.

그의 경지엔 그 어떤 어둠도 없고

그 어떤 빛도 없네.

There is nothing at all.

어쨌든 거기엔 아무 것도 없네.

For the wise man who is always unchanging and fearless there is neither darkness nor light nor destruction nor anything. 18.78

He has no being of his own.

His nature cannot be described.

그에겐 그 자신의 존재라는 것이 전혀 없네.

그의 성품은 묘사되어질 수 없다네.

What is patience to him,

Or discrimination or fearlessness?

그에게 인내가 무엇이며,

안목이나 두려움 없음이 무엇이리오.

There is neither fortitude, prudence, nor courage for the yogi whose nature is beyond description and free of individuality. 18.79

In the eyes of the master

There is nothing at all.

지혜로운 이의 눈에는

전혀 존재하는 것이 없네.

There is no heaven.

There is no hell.

그의 경지에는

그 어떤 천국도 없고 지옥도 없다네.

There is no such thing as liberation in life.

삶에 있어 해방이라 할 그러한 것도 없네.

What more is there to say?

거기에 말할게 더 이상 무엇이 있으리.

There is neither heaven nor hell nor even liberation during life. In a nutshell, in the sight of the seer nothing exists at all. 18.80





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